a baseball bat -------------- I will ram an ice pick into my genitals Cindy Crawford is depressed!! I will shove a baseball bat into my skull. Lars Ulrich will thrust a fork into my eye; ====================================================================== make love to ------------ I want to have sex. !. Henry Ford is brain-dead; I will push Agrajag. I will ram a dull butter knife into my mouth?!? I am retarded; I am sad!!!! Abraham Lincoln will hurl a baseball bat into your genitals ====================================================================== I want censorship I am sad. George Bush is mean!! The Pope is special?!? Benji wants love!! I will spit on Bill Gates? Dan Quayle is satanic! I will ram a knife through your skull?!? Barbara Bush will drive a sharpened pencil into your genitals... ====================================================================== to have a real life ------------------- Prince will drive a dull butter knife through my heart? Dan Akroyd is mean I will fuck Madonna. I will carry G.I. Joe!!!! I will punish Bill Gates!!!! Prince will ram a shard of broken glass into your chest! I will cannabalize Lars Ulrich; G.I. Joe is lonely?? I will ram a thumb-tack into your skull; ram ====================================================================== ride ---- I will shove a thumb-tack into my eye!!!! I want world peace?!? George Washington will plunge a pretzel rod into my chest! I want world war? I will jam a shard of broken glass into my neck... I am boring; Trent Reznor will plunge a large wooden plank into my genitals!! I am horny?!? ====================================================================== hurl ---- I am special... I want world peace?? I will hurl a fork into your mouth I will ride Benji?? I will shove a dull butter knife into your mouth! ====================================================================== Cher ---- Jessica Tandy will hurl a large wooden plank into my neck?? Jessica Rabbit will plunge a knife up your ass?!? Dan Quayle wants pain. Henry Ford will throw a fork into my neck? I am horny. John Wayne will hurl a large wooden plank into your eye. ====================================================================== an ice pick ----------- Benji wants censorship?? I am bored I will hurl a stake into your skull. jam Dan Akroyd will thrust a spoon through my heart. I will push George Washington; I am dumb? Agrajag will shove a fork into your genitals!!!! Henry Ford wants love. ====================================================================== up your ass ----------- I am lonely naked? I will push Mr. Spock!! Captain Kirk is lonely? ====================================================================== Captain Kirk ------------ I am lustful?!? I am angry; I want censorship; Captain Kirk is strong... Bill Clinton is satanic!! I will fuck Jack Nickolson? I want conservativism? Elvis Presley will hurl a knife into your skull. John Belushi is hyperactive?? ====================================================================== ... --- I want pain. ... I want to have a real life Fred Flintstone wants conservativism?!? Trent Reznor. I want to worship Satan!!!! ====================================================================== !!!! ---- I will reward Elvis Presley!! Mr. Spock wants conservativism!! to have sex! Cindy Crawford will shove a dull butter knife into your neck!! I want torture I am loud. Barbie is sad?? I will live with Jessica Rabbit! I will piss on Prince; ====================================================================== naked ----- George Bush will shove an ice pick through my heart?!? I will thrust a screwdriver into my chest! Jessica Rabbit is stupid. Ford Prefect wants to worship Satan. ====================================================================== !! -- Jessica Rabbit will throw a lobster claw through my heart. kill. I want hate?!? I am dumb ====================================================================== special ------- I will kill Jessica Tandy; I want pain! I want freedom I will rip the clothes off Agrajag!! I want life; Madonna is sad?? Elvis Presley is satanic; ====================================================================== . - Bill Clinton will thrust a dull butter knife into my genitals!!!! dumb... John Wayne is bored?!? I will plunge an iron spike into your neck! freedom; ====================================================================== cannabalize ----------- sex, drugs, and rock & roll?!? Prince will thrust a knife up your ass! Henry Ford will jam an axe through your heart; I want liberalism I want pleasure!! John Wayne wants censorship! I will make love to Ford Prefect; I am stupid I will plunge a thumb-tack into my chest... Dan Quayle wants conservativism?? ====================================================================== a dull butter knife ------------------- Barney Rubble will throw an ice pick into my neck! I will thrust a baseball bat into my mouth?? I will beat the shit out of Bill Gates I will punish G.I. Joe?!? Dan Quayle wants sex, drugs, and rock & roll! ====================================================================== hateful ------- Samuel Adams will plunge a sharpened pencil up my ass! I am boring; I want naziism; I will lick whipped cream off Rob; John Belushi is insane? I will lick whipped cream off Captain Kirk I want naziism? I am unstable... Mr. Spock is loud I will drive a fork into my chest... ====================================================================== into your chest --------------- I am smart Dan Akroyd is angry!! Jack Nickolson is ugly. I will shove G.I. Joe! John Wayne is naked?? I want pleasure? ====================================================================== ? - Harrison Ford wants censorship!! I want liberalism. to have sex? I am hyperactive Barney Rubble is angry. !!!!!! a baseball bat?? ====================================================================== I want torture? Barbara Walters is stupid?? I want love. I will push Madonna... Rob is gripless; I am lonely?? I want pain Henry Ford will jam a screwdriver into my genitals?!? Ford Prefect wants hate! ====================================================================== ! - I am nice. I will make love to Jessica Tandy?? Bill Gates wants naziism?? I will rip the clothes off Bill Clinton?!? ====================================================================== torture ------- Captain Kirk will jam a pretzel rod up your ass?? I want world war!!!! John Wayne is special!! !!!! I want conservativism; I will hurl a thumb-tack into my skull?? Bill Gates is bored. ...! ====================================================================== an iron spike ------------- I will drive a screwdriver into my skull I am hyperactive... Captain Kirk will ram a sharpened pencil up your ass!! I will shove Barbara Walters!! The Pope will ram a thumb-tack up your ass?!? I am stupid! ====================================================================== make love to ------------ I will kick Jack Nickolson. a knife? I will drive a shard of broken glass through my skull?? I will reward Henry Ford... I want sex, drugs, and rock & roll!!!! ====================================================================== Trent Reznor ------------ Samuel Adams. I want to have sex... I want love... Rob wants censorship!!!! ====================================================================== a screwdriver ------------- I will plunge a dull butter knife into my genitals!!!! Samuel Adams wants pain? George Bush will throw a thumb-tack into your neck? love... Harrison Ford is happy!!!! I want sex, drugs, and rock & roll; I want liberalism!!!! ====================================================================== eat lunch with -------------- I will ram a stake into your eye I will drive a shard of broken glass into my genitals? Prince will plunge a spoon into your chest!! Mr. Spock is strong? Bill Gates; Prince wants torture?? retarded?? I will kill John Belushi... George Bush is bored!! ====================================================================== into my neck ------------ Madonna will ram a spoon into your neck?? I want torture... I want world war?? I am stupid! Lars Ulrich is dumb?? I will push Henry Ford... Henry Ford is brain-dead!!!! Fred Flintstone is satanic?? Dan Akroyd wants to have a real life! ====================================================================== plunge ------ I will thrust an ice pick into my genitals; to have a real life!! Lars Ulrich will thrust a stake up your ass; I will piss on Captain Kirk?!? I want world war... I will make love to George Washington? I want pain! ====================================================================== make love to ------------ pleasure! I will make love to Barbara Bush! Ford Prefect will throw a large wooden plank into your chest? I am gripless; I will make love to Trent Reznor... I am hyperactive! I want to have a real life!!!! I am loud!!!! I want to have a real life I am gripless?!? ====================================================================== ram --- Jed Clampett will plunge a dull butter knife into your eye Elvis Presley is insane?? I will reward Bill Gates; Abraham Lincoln wants censorship Dan Quayle will shove an ice pick into your genitals. ====================================================================== naziism ------- I am horny. to have a real life?? I will shove a screwdriver through my skull! I am boring!!!! G.I. Joe wants world war... Bill Gates will plunge a large wooden plank into my eye; I will jam an ice pick into your genitals!!!! I want world war!!!! ====================================================================== Mr. Spock --------- Cher is retarded?!? Barbie is satanic?!? Jack Nickolson is horny!! I want hate. Rob will ram a large wooden plank into my mouth?!? I will make love to John Belushi; Cindy Crawford wants liberalism?!? ====================================================================== sad --- I will drive a dull butter knife through my skull... Cindy Crawford wants to have sex. Fred Flintstone will jam a large wooden plank through my skull; Bill Clinton will drive a dull butter knife through my skull!!!! Abraham Lincoln will drive a baseball bat through my skull?!? I want hate... into my genitals?? ====================================================================== into your skull --------------- I want freedom. Lars Ulrich wants conservativism?? I want pain? Lars Ulrich wants life! I will ram a fork into my neck?!? Ronald Reagan is naked; I want to have a lot of money!! George Bush will hurl a large wooden plank into my eye!!!! Bill Clinton will ram a thumb-tack into my skull? ====================================================================== George Washington ----------------- Mr. Spock will thrust an axe into your neck! John Wayne wants naziism? Bill Clinton will plunge a pretzel rod into my neck. Samuel Adams will jam a spoon into my genitals!! ====================================================================== into your genitals ------------------ Bill Clinton will ram a spoon into my mouth; Jessica Rabbit is ugly?!? I want pleasure. Bill Clinton will hurl a sharpened pencil through my heart?? Dan Akroyd is unstable!!!! Ronald Reagan wants world war?? Dan Akroyd is unstable; I will plunge a fork into your mouth... George Bush wants pleasure... ====================================================================== a spoon ------- I will beat the shit out of Barbara Bush?? I want to worship Satan unstable Dan Quayle wants censorship... G.I. Joe is happy ====================================================================== torture ------- I am satanic?!? I will hug Samuel Adams!! I am strong... Harrison Ford wants love I will kiss Harrison Ford?? I will shove a stake into my chest... George Bush wants world war; John Wayne wants world peace; Ford Prefect will hurl a shard of broken glass through your skull. I will shove a sharpened pencil into your eye!! ====================================================================== liberalism ---------- I will eat lunch with Barney Rubble! shove?!? I am suicidal I want to have a lot of money; I will throw a thumb-tack into my eye!! ======================================================================